Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ulysses reading schedule

Let's take six weeks on this one (thanks for the feedback!), starting on Father's Day (a nice present to myself). While Christie's book was called the best mystery ever written, Ulysses has been termed simply "the best novel ever written." Here's a suggested reading schedule:

June 28: Chapters 1-8 (~175 pages)
July 10: Chapters 9-13 (~190 pages)
July 20: Chapters 14-15 (~200 pages)
July 31: Chapters 16-18 (~185 pages)

Don't look for a lot of insight in my comments. I'll be happy to get through this book with my wits intact. I anticipate it will require many revisitations before I can feel comfortable with the novel. Still, it will be nice to have had the experience of reading the greatest novel by (arguably) the greatest novelist of the 20th Century.


Robert D. Ford said...

I think this is a bit too ambitious. I'd like to see it over the course of six weeks or five weeks. I can manage it either way, but four weeks may be too laborious, considering all of the other things we'll want to do this summer.

its no bologna said...

hi :)