Thursday, March 01, 2007

Waiting for you in the poetry section

So I’m standing there, killing time, and I’m picking
up these books of poetry and reading in between
inspections of my watch and they’re pretty good, the poems,
and I find this one–was about beautiful women–and it
reminded me of you, so I got this idea that, here I’d be
when you came in, reading this poetry, and I’d glance
up when you appeared in the doorway, harsh backlight
so you look, I don’t know, let me find an image…here,
like you’re cradled in clouds and there I’d be,
and when you came up to me I’d start reading this poem
about the beautiful women before you could say anything
and you’d be impressed as hell with my nonchalant charm,
but now it’s getting late and you’re not here yet, though
this poetry is pretty good so I’ll just wait a bit more for you.


Michael Berry said...

As I said to you earlier, I really like this poem a lot. There's a casual, hopelessly romantic, faintly apologetic (for the honest artsy intellectual passion that can be somewhat embarrassing at times) tone to the piece that gives the whole scene the necessary layers it needs for the reader to root for the protagonist. Another thing I like about the poem is the strength of the protagonist. There's proof that he can stand on his own, for as long as it takes to get the scene right. Also, the scene is toatlly believable and relatable, with only a few, neccessary "poetic" words to give the poem credibility, after laying out the feelings in easy to understand terms. I think a lot of people have this moment cooking in their heads, but not many of them could put it down as nicely as you have.

Anonymous said...

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