Sunday, February 04, 2007

Crime and Punishment, Part Two

For me, Part Two developed in a structure similar to Part One: Somewhat slow beginning, then a very compelling ending. I am enjoying the writing style and I love to listen to the characters as they ramble on and on. Raskolnikov was starting to annoy me with the fever that composed most of his existence in Part Two, so I'm glad he seems to have shaken it.

His visit to the police station at the beginning of the section worried me at first, but then I realized that if he were busted for the crime, they would have sent officers to escort him: they wouldn’t have simply asked him to report to the station on his own. His behavior at the station was about as composed as it could have been, given that he had killed two people less than 24 hours before.

I was surprised at his visit to Razumihin directly afterward, but I think Dostoevsky was just trying to find a way to introduce the character, to pull him into the story. I must say, I like him better than Raskolnikov. Rodya (Fab) is brooding, self-absorbed and introverted; Razumihin (Berry) is much more outgoing, fun-loving, and gregarious. It’s a wonder they’re friends. The way he treats Nastasya, it’s a wonder she even comes to visit him. She probably has a crush on him or something.

The dream he had about the landlady getting beaten was realistically written: I thought it was really happening. I remember thinking, “Why the heck doesn’t he go help her?” Might have been interesting to have him open the door and find nothing rather than hear about it from Nastasya, but it may just serve – for her – as further verification of his fever.

Anyway, Raskolnikov seems to be exhibiting a great deal of self-destructive behaviors: He’s poor as a dirt farmer, yet he constantly gives away what little money he has (the street singer gets five copecks, Duclida the girl near the tavern gets fifteen and doesn’t even have to do anything, fifty copecks to the waiter for tea and vodka, plus freakin’ twenty roubles to the widow Ivanovna), he gives his doctor Zossimov reasons for suspicion, he almost dares the clerk Zametov to suspect him of the crime when he’s in the tavern, he nearly turns himself in to the cops soon after, AND he almost alienates his friend Razumihin despite his kindness. (Actually, because of it. I think he was just feeling guilty about the crime and didn’t feel he deserved any kindness from anyone.) If not for that old woman who jumped off the bridge (and Marmeladov), he might have ended it all right there.

I’m glad he found a sort of redemption in helping Marmeladov’s widow and family. They really appreciated his help, and the whole situation gave Raskolnikov a purpose to live. He recovered somewhat from his feverishness and seemed happy for once.

He’s going to have some explaining to do to his family, now that they’re here and he has mortally insulted his sister’s fiance. (Now THAT was funny!)


Robert D. Ford said...

Yes ... I guess the question now is whether or not Raskolnikov will pull himself out of his self-inflicted downward spiral (now that he has had an awakening of sorts) or if he has planted too many seeds of doubt and, despite the awakening, will be found out and punished ... which is perhaps what he's subconsciously wanted all along ... someone or something to pull his hair and beat him down (like Marmeladov's wife).

Michael Berry said...

I just spent 30 minutes responding to your excellent post, and even better response to my post, and I deleted it! I'm going to go freak out now!

Highlights of my comments:

Your analysis of FD's beliefs on "Love yourself before all men" -based on the treatment of the Luzhin character - was interesting, and impressive.

The buddy cuts a buddy some slack, if he's any buddy at all, is a true statement, but I wonder just how close Rodya and Razumihin really are. Raz reminds me of an old RA in college; he was quick to lend a hand, provide some advice, etc., but he always did it for HIS benefit. He seemed like a great guy - who cared about everyone - but he got a lot from us.

If you're Raskolnikov, and I'm Razumihin (and Lydia's the drunk girl), where does that leave Ford? Is he the doctor? Based on our abuse of him during lunch, he could be the horse!

You're both right: My take on Nastaysa is probably way off. I want her to be the character I want her to be, instead of the one FD's created.

Great work on this part, Mark!

Robert D. Ford said...


Can you explain this comment you made on Berry's Blog?

"‘Love yourself before all men,’ he says, plus all that economic stuff about coats. Now, my question is, since Luzhin, a character Dostoevsky seems to despise, says this, does it mean that Dostoevsky himself does not support this concept? We’re talking about Russia here, after all, and Dostoevsky was ostensibly a Party guy."

I'm not familiar enough with the Russian history of 1868 to know what "Party guy" means. What party would it be? What were its beliefs?

I've always thought that Dostoevsky was criticizing the contemporary social ideas/ideals through Raskolnikov. I've read that Dostoevsky was similar to Nietzsche in his rejection of social ideology. Just wondering what his political ideology might have been.

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