Saturday, February 17, 2007

Crime and Punishment, Final Thoughts

(I shouldn’t have waited so long to do my blog. I’ve forgotten too much.)

I very much enjoyed reading Crime and Punishment, and while it did not make my Top Ten List, it is probably somewhere in my top twenty. I’ll re-read it eventually, but not in the near future. I enjoyed it much more than reading Don Quixote. I liked the complexity of the characters, the inner turmoil of Raskolnikov, the humor, the rambling monologues, the plot twists, the various stylistic devices, and the cliff-hanger endings of some of the chapters. In many ways, it was a typical Dostoevsky novel. Not that I am some kind of F.D. expert; it just reminds me of The Brothers Karamazov and from what I have read of the author, it seems illustrative of his writing style and thematic explorations. I remember liking Karamazov, though as one of his later novels, B.K. clearly has the advantage of a prose style that is more mature/refined/developed–whatever. Also, as my first Dostoevsky novel, it holds special places in my heart and my intellect.

In looking back on my comments, I see that many of my predictions came true to a certain extent. I don’t take too much credit for this, nor am I particularly disappointed: The novel is too much a part of the zeitgeist for me to have escaped any subliminal influences on plot elements; also, Dostoevsky’s story, characters, and writing style were compelling enough to maintain my interest throughout the novel.

Raskolnikov’s eventual redemption through religion was not a surprise, again, given Dostoevsky’s religious beliefs. I liked the way he didn’t end the novel with Raskolnikov’s confession. True, the confession ends the novel proper, but the Epilogue is such an essential part of the story (much as the Prologue and Epilogue are critical to Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man) that it must be considered in order to provide full thematic closure. Although Raskolnikov endures hardships in prison, his material/corporeal punishment does not fully redeem him, nor can any amount thereof: He needs spiritual forgiveness as well, his resistance to which causes his fellow inmates to treat him with antagonism.

So ultimately, Raskolnikov really was trying to demonstrate his “extraordinariness” to the world. I said earlier that this idea did not make sense to me, and I stand by that conclusion. This, in my eyes, is the weakness–not “failing,” because in my view this novel in no way fails–of the novel. It’s weak because Raskolnikov’s article concerned “great” men, like Napoleon (to whom Raskolnikov compares himself several times), who committed lesser crimes while on their way toward achieving greatness. However, his contention in the article is that such men can be forgiven their lesser, incidental crimes because of the sheer magnitude of their exceptionality. Raskolnikov intentionally commits a crime before he does anything to make him worthy of extraordinariness. His conscience overcomes him; it is not that society cannot forgive his actions in light of his greatness. Raskolnikov’s double-murder is an end in itself, not a means to an end (his intentional crime juxtaposed with the incidental crimes of exceptional men), which makes him simply a criminal, in my eyes. Thus, in crafting Raskolnikov’s attempt–his “experiment”–part of Dostoevsky’s theme is doomed from the start because he committed a logical fallacy: faulty analogy. Therefore, I don’t buy Raskolnikov’s motive, although its originality goes far in winning me over. (It may seem that I am nitpicking, and perhaps I am. The novel is a masterwork, and when dealing with a text of such impressive scope and extraordinary depth of thought, all one is left with is a critique of thematic “shadings”.) Of course, it could be that Dostoevsky was trying to illustrate Raskolnikov's “ordinariness” through his mistake in logic, and I suppose that one would have a point. However, because of Raskolnikov's demonstrated intelligence throughout the novel, such an error in reasoning doesn't make sense. I think it is more likely that Dostoevsky is simply trying to explore the destructiveness of guilt and the power of redemption through religious faith.

Favorite scenes: the murder (of course), the first police station scene, the “interview” with Luzhin and Raskolnikov’s family, both conversations with Porfiry in the lawyer's office, Sonia’s reading of the “Lazarus miracle” to Raskolnikov, Marmeladov’s funeral dinner (both chapters), Raskolnikov’s confession to Sonia, Porfiry’s visit to Raskolnikov, the street scene just before Katerina Ivanovna kicks it, Dounia pulling a gun on Svidrigailov and actually firing it! Woman's got some guts!

Liked: Razumihin, Raskolnikov’s self-destructiveness, Dounia (a great, strong female character), Luzhin (but only because he’s such an ass), Porfiry. I liked Katerina Ivanovna, who died of consumption (and was herself “consumed” with the idea of her family’s pseudo-respectability) and was wacky enough in her interpretations of reality to simultaneously excite both pity and humor.

Didn’t like: All the fevers Raskolnikov endured, the numerous dreams, Sonia (too delicate), Zametov, Svidrigailov (I liked him at first, but he lost me after his discussion with Raskolnikov; I wish Dounia had killed the bastard in his room; I was glad when he shot himself), all the freakin' Russian name variations (sheesh!).

I’m forgetting something here. Raskolnikov was right about Sonia, and she about him. I thought his vacillation over whether to turn himself in at the end was believable and interesting, especially when he kissed the ground at the crossroads (how appropriately literary!). His actions were that much more meaningful since he had no idea Sonia was there watching him (thus, his actions weren’t “for show”). When he left the police station the first time in the last chapter, I thought he was going to wimp out and leave for good, then try to live with his guilt. One look at Sonia was all he needed to accept his punishment. She really was his redemption.


Robert D. Ford said...

Man, nice work Mark! This puts my final remarks to shame ... but, check out the connection I make between Hamlet and C&P on my blog.

The distinction between incidental and intentional crimes is very interesting. I'd like to add one element to it.

As you know, I watch Rome, the HBO series. Right now, the series is tracing Augustus' rise to power (Octavian Caesar). In the most recent episode, he generates a list of prominent men in Rome that he wants assassinated. The reason for this is two-fold: (i) he needs money to pay his army and (ii) he is worried that if these men are not killed, Brutus and Cassius will find out that he has formed an alliance with Mark Antony, which would dash his hopes of crushing them in battle.

Now, the assassinations are intentional crimes, not incidental. He justifies his actions on moral grounds by saying that what he is doing is for the "good of the republic." He believes in something; there is an idea behind the crime.

Thus, what Raskolnikov is lacking is a belief in something. He says that the murder would be for the greater good, but ultimately, we find out that the money was going to be used for his own good (to make him self-reliant).

This is where we see FD's critique. Rask's theory/idea is nihilistic, the dominant intellectual philosophy of the time. Nihilism is the belief in nothing. If Raskolnikov does not believe in anything, there can be no justification for his action.

One other thing ... I say on my blog that Raskolnikov's epiphany occurs at the very end. You raise a good point about the crossroads. He seems to realize something here. But in prison, Rask is still stubbornly clingling to his idea. I wonder if we have two moments of epiphany. FD has the crossroads, and then decided to write an epilogue and had to include another epiphany.

Unknown said...

Wow, great stuff! Your observations on Crime and Punishment were refreshing and nostalgic (it's been awhile since I've read it). I noticed your top 10 list and it is very similar to mine, except that it includes books that i have never read. I guess I have some new books to check out!

It sounds like you have enough to read, but I have to recommend Foucault's Pendulum to you, by Umberto Eco. If you've read the Da Vinci Code (not that I recommend it), this will be hugely entertaining and much more thought provoking. It's a thick, difficult read, but it's worth it.

I look forward to reading more reviews on your blog!

Unknown said...

I'm rereading your comments on how Raskolnikov proving his "extraordinariness" was one of the weaker points in the book. For me, it was the glue that held it altogether.

It is, no doubt, complicated, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to articulate it properly, but I felt that his need to show how great he was explained his actions and delusions. His desire to be great and his inability to attain greatness was the big-picture conflict.

Yes, Raskolnikov is intelligent and the fact that he should have been able to recognize his own place in the world because he is intelligent, i think, is illustrative of just how difficult it is to objectively assess one's place in the world. In other words, his perspective of himself was ultimately delusional.

On a certain level, it's similar with the main character from Notes from the Underground, who seems intelligent enough, but has delusions of persecution. This is the mirror opposite of that.

Jazmine said...

I enjoyed reading the commenatries but I thought it was quite obvious why the extraordinary man theory was mentioned and what it meant.
The three men he mentioned, Napoleon, Mahomet, and Newton were not innocent and the crimes they commited were considered severe in their time. Whether it was disobeying laws or killing to protect them, they were all reason to be ostrasized in thier time.
I like to read the book in a more psychological point of view than literary. It alows the mind to explore more. LOL

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